GREEN AGATE. Agate is a semi-transparent and hard Chalcedon variety that shows itself as a colored band (same color shaded or contrasting colors) concentric or undulating, ranging from white to gray, black, blue, red, brown, green. This great healing power stone, as well as instill a sense of strength and courage, invigorates and strengthens mental body and facilitates the ability 'to discern the truth' and accept circumstances. Its name derives from the greek Achates, from the Sicily river from which in ancient times Agate was founded in abundance; main deposits are now located in South America. It is found that already 5000 years ago Agate was used both for its therapeutic qualities, both as decorative and sacred element. We also mention about great use for beetles and cameos production (such as those of Marcus Aurelius and the Sainte-Chapelle, this last one depicting Flavor while captures Valerian) and famous Ptolemy calix. In Islamic world this rock has a prestige place, legend tells that Muhammad Prophet always bring an orange Agate ring engraved with the utmost Allah devotion verses.